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Um, Our Baby has a Face

My 20-week appointment was Friday and all is well! Our little one has two arms and two legs, two kidneys and a liver. I think the technician also pointed out the stomach and the bladder, but I was too busy staring at the images on the screen in front of me to hear what she was actually saying.

B. was excited because he got to take pictures home; I was excited because this finally feels real. It was our baby's face that got me. Our baby is starting to look less and less like an alien and more and more like a human. Eek!


My little one has some beefy muscles! Although he/she is only about the size of a pop can, you can tell by this picture where he/she is flexing that they will be a bruiser.

We decided that we want to be surprised on the sex so we didn't find out at our 20-week ultrasound. The little one was a mover though and gave the nurse some difficulty in getting some of the pictures. Then it fell asleep on its stomach and wouldn't let her get a picture of the umbilical cord. If this is a sign of things to come, A. and I will have our hands full with a difficult child. It will be loved though.

Setting Priorities

I might be exaggerating slightly, but other than diets, I think I only quit one thing in my life before getting pregnant. (A stupid internship.)

Shortly after finding out I was pregnant, I quit softball. I wasn't a big fan of our coach, but I'd been sticking with it because I don't like to slack off on my responsibilities. However, the second I found out I was pregnant, I totally used it as an excuse to hang up my cleats.

Yesterday I made another tough decision and backed out of two volunteer roles I'd signed on for before getting pregnant. The first, as chairperson of our college's Literacy Committee, really kicks off a little later in the semester and I thought quitting now, before we got rolling, was a good idea. The problem is that I was begged to be chairperson in the first place so finding a replacement isn't going to be so easy. I am kind of afraid that the Committee could fold without official leadership. (Heck, it almost folded with leadership.)

Leaving the second role, as media and public relations volunteer for Read for Literacy's Race for Literacy, was harder. I love the organization and was proud of being instrumental in the first Race for Literacy last spring. I had a bunch of ideas for this year and was excited to help out. (Yes, excited, not miserable. Not all volunteer roles suck.)

Since putting in my notice, via e-mail, for both 'positions' yesterday, I've gotten lots of congratulations and no backlash. Although neither committee is in full swing yet, so there's still time.

I know that sooner or later other things may have to go by the wayside, at least for a little while, but saying good-bye (for now) to these two things was kinda hard.

I'm about to be a Mom-to-be in Motion

Well, that's a cumbersome way to say I signed up for a water aerobics class. Word on the street is that water aerobics is great exercise for expecting moms, so I decided to give it a whirl.

My 4-week class starts Oct. 6 and runs twice a week. I'll be stretching and toning using water weights and noodles. I've never taken an exercise class in my life, much less one where I have to wear a bathing suit, but I'm hopefully optimistic.

Tell Me. I Can Take It.

Nearly all of my friends have children so you'd think I'd know quite a bit about this pregnancy thing. I'm quickly learning, though, that beyond morning sickness and cravings I'm in the dark.

For example, no one ever mentioned that some women drool in their first trimester. Or pee a little when they sneeze. (Both of these things would have been nice to know.)

Is there anything else I should be prepared for? Feel free to e-mail me if you're too shy to comment.

1 Thing I Hate About Pregnancy*

Last night, I read a book called '100 Things I Hate About Pregnancy', which was given to me by a coworker. It was a nice, light read, which I needed to counter reading about all the things that can hurt my baby, i.e., air.

A lot of the items in the book don't relate to me (yet), but one did. Big time. And that is people asking if I'd prefer a boy or a girl.

I honestly, 100 percent DO NOT have a preference. I know people tend to avoid the question by saying they want a healthy, happy baby while secretly praying for a boy or girl, but that is not me. I really just want a healthy, happy baby. Seriously.

* I feel pretty lucky that there's only been one thing so far. That might change when people start feeling my belly up in the mall.

** I realized this morning that I am a liar. There is another thing that annoys me about being pregnant: I hate that they measure pregnancy in weeks. I always have to do the math - 18 weeks equals 4 and a half months!

Picture This

B. and I, well, mostly I, decided that we're having maternity photos done. The thought never crossed my mind until a coworker asked me if I was doing it. It took me awhile to come around, but her enthusiasm was contagious.

She's convinced me that pregnancy is beautiful (although I doubt I'm going to be feeling 'beautiful' come photo time), so here I sit, getting ideas to take to a local photographer.

I've learned that some maternity photos are absolutely gorgeous (and not work-appropriate!) and that being the picture freak I am, I really need to do this (even though having my senior pictures taken was enough to make me break out in hives).

Did you have maternity photos taken? Have any T-town recommendations?
Will my reservations (about baring skin, etc.) go away once I'm in the studio?

P.S. Don't know if it's readable, but the tag on this woman's belly says, 'Gift from God.' Love it.

It's Starting to Feel Real

One of the greatest things about my current job is the availability of on-site child care. The facility is superb and the staff is excellent. The best part could be that I can see the building through my office window and could make it there in a minute, give or take. As soon as B. knew I was pregnant, I reserved a spot in the spring infant class.

So far, that's been the extent of my involvement with the center. Sure I go to their bake sales and of course I love seeing the kids walk by my window, but I haven't taken the tour yet and I haven't filled out any paperwork (other than that confirming I do intend to pay them when the time comes).

Today, though, I got my welcome packet in interoffice mail and am not ashamed to admit that I'm a little overwhelmed. There's a 31-page parent handbook (which I opened just long enough to see how many pages it was), a page I have to sign saying I read and understand the handbook and about 80 forms I have to fill out. Lucky me, I don't have to fill out the 'Ages and Stages Questionnaire' until I'm ready to bring the baby in.

The forms seem pretty basic: what will the baby be eating, who is authorized to pick up the baby, can the Marketing Department use my baby in photos or videos, etc. But the 'Family Collection Form' almost made me hyperventilate: does your child have a favorite blanket/stuff animal, does your child listen to stories, has your child had experience with scissors/pencils/crayons/paint/playdough, what is your child's reaction when you leave?

Gulp. It's starting to feel real.

They Said it would Happen

Yep. My working mother friends have all told me that the day would come (thanks to pregnancy memory) when I forgot a meeting or an assignment. I didn't think it was going to happen this soon. No word on how noticeable my absence was as this particular meeting.


That was B.'s response when I told him I scheduled our 20-week ultrasound. The boy loves his pictures and was very disappointed to find out at the last appointment that there would be no pictures that day. I can't even fathom what the pictures are going to look like this time!