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Setting Priorities

I might be exaggerating slightly, but other than diets, I think I only quit one thing in my life before getting pregnant. (A stupid internship.)

Shortly after finding out I was pregnant, I quit softball. I wasn't a big fan of our coach, but I'd been sticking with it because I don't like to slack off on my responsibilities. However, the second I found out I was pregnant, I totally used it as an excuse to hang up my cleats.

Yesterday I made another tough decision and backed out of two volunteer roles I'd signed on for before getting pregnant. The first, as chairperson of our college's Literacy Committee, really kicks off a little later in the semester and I thought quitting now, before we got rolling, was a good idea. The problem is that I was begged to be chairperson in the first place so finding a replacement isn't going to be so easy. I am kind of afraid that the Committee could fold without official leadership. (Heck, it almost folded with leadership.)

Leaving the second role, as media and public relations volunteer for Read for Literacy's Race for Literacy, was harder. I love the organization and was proud of being instrumental in the first Race for Literacy last spring. I had a bunch of ideas for this year and was excited to help out. (Yes, excited, not miserable. Not all volunteer roles suck.)

Since putting in my notice, via e-mail, for both 'positions' yesterday, I've gotten lots of congratulations and no backlash. Although neither committee is in full swing yet, so there's still time.

I know that sooner or later other things may have to go by the wayside, at least for a little while, but saying good-bye (for now) to these two things was kinda hard.