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It's Starting to Feel Real

One of the greatest things about my current job is the availability of on-site child care. The facility is superb and the staff is excellent. The best part could be that I can see the building through my office window and could make it there in a minute, give or take. As soon as B. knew I was pregnant, I reserved a spot in the spring infant class.

So far, that's been the extent of my involvement with the center. Sure I go to their bake sales and of course I love seeing the kids walk by my window, but I haven't taken the tour yet and I haven't filled out any paperwork (other than that confirming I do intend to pay them when the time comes).

Today, though, I got my welcome packet in interoffice mail and am not ashamed to admit that I'm a little overwhelmed. There's a 31-page parent handbook (which I opened just long enough to see how many pages it was), a page I have to sign saying I read and understand the handbook and about 80 forms I have to fill out. Lucky me, I don't have to fill out the 'Ages and Stages Questionnaire' until I'm ready to bring the baby in.

The forms seem pretty basic: what will the baby be eating, who is authorized to pick up the baby, can the Marketing Department use my baby in photos or videos, etc. But the 'Family Collection Form' almost made me hyperventilate: does your child have a favorite blanket/stuff animal, does your child listen to stories, has your child had experience with scissors/pencils/crayons/paint/playdough, what is your child's reaction when you leave?

Gulp. It's starting to feel real.


Shaun said...

Wait until you get home from the hospital. The first time the baby needs a diaper change or is hungry and you realize there's no one there to help you! I think that's when it really hit me!!! You'll be great parents :D