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I'm not Good with Numbers

There's a very good reason I chose writing as my career - I suck at math. I hate adding, subtracting, multiplying. Basically, I hate numbers. So my doctor's request that I count and record our baby's kicking isn't exactly up my alley. Yes, I can count to five twice a day, but I don't want to. Here's why.

Before the doctor gave me the little card on which to record our baby's movements, I had a good sense of how much and how often he or she was moving, which was typically after I ate or at 3 in the morning (I hope that's not a sign of things to come). Now I have no frickin' clue.

Did the baby kick last night? I don't know, I didn't write it down. Did the baby kick this morning? I think so, but where's my card? The stupid dependence I have on that card is insane. I hope the doctor doesn't ask to see it today. If he does, I'm going to tell him the dog ate it.


Kelly said...

I know I'm not a doctor, but I wouldn't worry so much about the card. You know how much the baby is moving. My doctor told me that as long as you felt the baby move 10 times in a day then you can stop counting. With Julia that was about 10 minutes after I woke up. I never used a kick count card. Trust your instincts, you'll know if there is a change or something that needs to be checked.