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Hold Your Horses

It took B. and I 18 months to get pregnant - and we can't wait to meet our little one - but when the doctor told me last week that he thinks our baby wants to come early, I kinda freaked out a bit. OK, a lot.

I've had a stressful few days, thanks in part to the word 'STAT' scrawled across a lab form and weekly non-stress tests and some contractions. Gulp.

So, I've been instructed to take it easy. Stay off my feet as much as possible. Lay down on my left side as much as possible. Call if my hands, face or feet swell. Or if I get a headache or blurry vision. (They're concerned about preeclampsia, which I guess isn't the politically correct term anymore, but it's what people recognize.)

So far, the NSTs are OK. And my lab work is OK. My blood pressure is still high, but isn't that kind of to be expected when the doctor is talking about bed rest and hospital monitoring and biophysical profiling? It's ridiculously hard to relax when you have multiple people telling you to relax. But, that's what I'm doing (with lots of help from B.). I've even kind of resolved myself to the idea that the baby could come early. Kind of.


Shaun said...

I had pre-eclampsia and then eclampsia with Adelae. If you have any questions,or just need to talk to someone that's been there, feel free to give me a shout. My email is

Wendy said...

Baby better not arrive before your baby shower! Or wait, maybe that would be cool, because we'd all get to meet him/her then! :) Just take it easy!!!

Kelly said...

best of luck relaxing. i'm sure you and the baby will be fine no matter when he/she makes his/her appearance. i'll keep my fingers crossed for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Wow! It's a good thing you have such a great hubby. Take care of yourself, watch Guiding Light, and indulge in all of the GSN. You have a lot of time on your hands, I'd be happy to come over for lunches. It makes me smile just thinking that soon I will get to meet baby Stark.