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Note to Self

I've never been the type of person who can live in the moment. I'm always waiting for the 'next big thing'. For example, in high school, it was football. I'd spend my entire week looking forward to Friday ... and in the process probably missed some cool Tuesdays here and there.

I've been aware of this for a long time, though, and made a conscious effort not to do the same with my pregnancy, i.e. look so forward to 'the big day' that I missed all the milestones along the way.

Now that I'm in the home stretch (41 days to go!), I need to re-remind myself to slow down: enjoy every day, every kick, every pain because it's almost over.

(B., er Santa, brought me the beautiful figurine pictured above. It's a nice reminder of how special these past 8 1/2 months have been.)


Kelly said...

I know what you mean. A friend of mine had her 3rd baby just a few weeks before I had Keira. After she was home with Connor, and I was still pregnant I told her how lucky she was to be done with it. While I loved being pregnant, it is sooo tiring and uncomfortable at the end. And she said something I didn't expect. She said that yes, she was glad it was over but that she knew this was going to be her last pregnancy and so in a way, it was sad. That she had tried to remember what the kicks and hiccups felt like from the inside. And that made sense to me, as I'm sure it must to you now too. Of course, we aren't sure if we're done or not, so I guess it doesn't have the same impact yet. If we do have another, I'll keep her words in mind when I get to the end and just try to remember to treasure that time before it's gone for good. PS - if ever you think you'll get lonely for the little kicks and flutters, sometimes gas feels the same way. ;) PPS - I have that figurine too and some others. Love them!

Traci said...

LOVE that willow tree figurine! they have so many really nice ones w/ baby and mommy, baby and parents, etc. :)

yes! enjoy every moment now.... :)