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Water Woes

I love water. Always have. Growing up, we had a Culligan water cooler in our house, so when I moved away to college, I got my own. (Yeah, I was a dork.) But lately, water and I aren't mixing. We use a Brita pitcher and have washed it thoroughly and changed the filter, but the water still tastes bad to me. For awhile I thought our glasses weren't getting clean in the dishwater, but even water drunk from a Styrofoam cup tastes bad. Bottled water, our office water and restaurant water are fine. B. thinks the water at home tastes fine and that I'm just crazy. Could this be pregnancy-related or am I crazy?


Angie said...

I'm thinkin', both! :)

B. said...

I'm thinking both too! ☺

Shaun said...

totally pregnancy! i couldn't stand meat for the longest time when i was pregnant!

Wrestling Kitties said...

Don't get me started on styrofoam cups....I think anything out of styrofoam tastes bad and gives me a headache. Crazy - nope it is a stryofoam conspiracy.

I am guessing pregnancy :)

Traci said...

totally pregnancy related. my sense of taste was so screwed up both times i was pregnant. i couldn't go near mushrooms or chicken during both my pregnancies. actually, even pictures of chicken made me queasy.

so, the short answer is: you are not crazy. you're pregnant! :)