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More Mo!

On a fluke, when BB was still a teeny tiny baby, we bought him Pigeon Wants a Puppy! by Mo Willems, mostly because it was about a puppy - and Amazon recommended it.

That book instantly became one of my favorites. Cute, funny, light-hearted but with a message, adorable pictures. We were hooked.

The Pigeon has Feelings, Too! was our next Mo Willems book and was just as cuter - if not cuter - than the first. So, imagine my joy when we found a series of Willems books at the library!

I wasn't familiar with the Elephant and Piggie books until then, but I'm already hooked. Are You Ready to Play Outside? is everything Mo's other books have been: funny, cute stories with a message.

BB loves this book, but I think I might be more excited than he is to go back to the library and get a new Elephant and Piggie book!

* Add 'Watch Me Throw a Ball' to our list of favorites!