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What Do You Wish You Would Have Done ...

... to prepare for life with a newborn?

I just read a list of things moms wish they would have done before their baby came home from the hospital.

One mom said she wished she bought more nursing bras so she wasn't washing them all the time. Another said she wished she hadn't bought so much newborn clothing. Another suggested learning how to use her breast pump before the baby was born.

So what about you? What would you recommend I do now to prepare for our baby's arrival?


Shaun said...

I wish people hadn't been so weird about us co-sleeping or breastfeeding. I did both, and don't regret them at all, but some people made me feel like I was making the wrong choices.
When people ask you, "is there anything you need?" Don't be afraid to say " dishes!"

Wendy said...

Hmmm, let me see. I was stuck on bedrest before the girlies arrived, and I wish that I would have cherished that time more, instead of being so mad about it. Wish I would have read more and crocheted more during that time. Other than that, after they were born, I so wish I would have had a stock of meals in my fridge. We had received some meals from friends and some restaurant gift cards, and we used them up quickly. I don't think I fully appreciated those gifts when we got them, but after the meals were gone and the cards were used up, I was sure missing them! So, I say, number one: food. I'm sure there's more things, but that's all that I can think of right now.

Kelly said...

You know, I've been thinking about this for a while and I think there is a reason I can't think of anything. Life with a newborn is a blur. It feels like forever when you're going through it, but now I look back and must have erased it from my memory so that I was willing to have more children. You are so sleep deprived that I don't think your brain has the ability to convert short term memory into long term. However, I agree with Kay. Food would have been nice. I think we ate well when my mom was staying with us and preparing our meals and cleaning, but after that I swear we ate take-out for like a month.

Angie said...

I wished I would have soaked-up the time I had ALONE with Greg. We love our kids and spending time with them, but man-o-man, you're going to get to the point where you're going to want to pay ANYONE (with-in reason) to babysit for a least an hour so you could enjoy a peaceful dinner alone.

Traci said...

definitely stock up on easy to cook food. cooking is the LAST thing you'll feel like doing.

don't buy too many newborn outfits. baby will grow out of them quickly. invest in many baby sleep sacks (Carters are the best). they're easy to put on baby and they're warm. and cute too.

invest in lots of newborn diapers. unless you end up w/ a 10 lb newborn, the size 1 diapers will likely be too big. Pampers Swaddlers, Newborn size are the best. take some to the hospital w/ you -- and use them in place of the size 1 diapers provided by hospital.

get a pedicure before baby arrives (if you enjoy them).