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Seeking Massage Advice

Since the instructor didn't show up for my first water aerobics class, the club gave me a gift certificate for a one-hour prenatal massage. Evidently this is another service they offer in addition to dry cleaning and car washing. (OK, I made the car-washing part up, but I wouldn't be surprised if they would wash my car if I asked. They're cool like that.)

Until about five minutes ago, I was pretty excited about this. The initial intent of this post was to ask when I should use it. I'm feeling pretty awesome right now, so I thought saving it until I was miserable was a good idea, but I wanted some feedback.

Now, after searching the World Wide Web for prenatal massage pictures, I'm starting to wonder if this is for me. Some of those pictures are pretty, um, personal. I can handle regular massages, but now I'm not so sure about the prenatal kind. Thoughts? Comments? Words of Wisdom?


Shaun said...

I would save it till you get toward the end of your pregnancy. As the baby gets bigger, everything is so stretched out and there will be a lot of strain on your back and hips. A massage will feel like heaven! If you feel uncomfortable, just tell them. They should stop immediately. You can even tell them to just focus on a certain area.

Angie said...

I never had one when I was pregnant, always did though. I agree with shaun about this one. The last 'leg' of the pregnancy is the hardest and seems like the longest. Your body will be feeling it too! Hope this helps!