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It's Going to be a Soccer Player

At my 20-week appointment, my doctor told me I'd soon know when the baby was moving. I thought I'd been feeling something for close to a week at that time, but wasn't positive. Within a few days, I was sure!

I've been trying to downplay this development because B. couldn't feel the movements. One time I called him over only to have the baby stop moving. Sunday (during the Bills game, of course!), B. finally felt a 'bubble'. But it wasn't until last night, at, oh, around 5 a.m., that he felt real movement. We're talking crazy movement. B. thinks the baby was doing jumping jacks or somersaults. I think he/she is going to be a soccer player!

What an amazing, awesome, special moment.


Angie said...

I miss those times! Sigh.

B. said...

It was great! It might have been hitting the heavy bag, I did say it was a bruiser. I think it almost knocked my hand away from A's stomach

Kelly said...

that's the best! can you see the baby's defined parts moving yet? i never could but i've heard from several people that they could see the shape of a foot moving across.

Wendy said...

Yay! That's awesome. When I was really far along with the girls, it was INSANE how much they moved. They were running out of room in there so I think they were fighting! :)

Shaun said...

How cool!!!! The first time Ben felt Adelae move, she kicked him in the head! :D That's about the only thing I miss about being pregnant.