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Sleepiness is a Symptom

The question I get most since coming out about the pregnancy is, 'do you get morning sickness?' Luckily the answer is no. Instead, I'm tired, no, fatigued. All the time. Like 24 hours a day. But when I tell people that, they don't seem to care.

I'm not looking for sympathy (really, I'm not), but pregnancy tiredness is nothing to scoff at.
I haven't done laundry or dishes in weeks. I can't remember the last time I even thought about looking for the Pledge. And Devo's lucky I remember to feed him dinner as I'm usually in bed before I eat dinner, which is good because I haven't had enough energy to cook. Ask B. (he's the one doing everything around the house).

I don't know what I'd do without him. It's especially good that we carpool to work (and he drives) because I've been known to fall asleep in the 12-minute drive home.
So, yes, morning sickness would suck, but sleeping all the time isn't cool either.


Traci said...

trust me when i saw the tiredness is going to suddenly go away at the 2nd trimester mark. and then for those 3 months you will have so much energy! and then at about month 7 or 8 you'll be exhausted again. all the time!
