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Sharing the Good News

So much for waiting to tell our family and friends the news. The word is out and spreading like wildfire. However, I am still holding off on the general announcement until Week 12. (Not that anyone's going to be left to hear it.)

Along the way, there've been people I've been excited to tell and people I've been afraid to tell. One of the people I've been most excited to tell is my friend S. A few weeks ago (before I knew about my condition), she told me her good news, which was really exciting. Her 'bean' is a true honeymoon baby!

Because it's been hard to connect over the phone, and because I was excited to tell her, I broke the news through text. Something I swore I wasn't going to do. (Sue me, I was living in the moment.)

I think it's going to be really fun to share this journey with her. She's due 10 days before me and we've already discussed her holding off a bit and me rushing things a bit so that our babes can be born on the same day.