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That's One Way to Wear Them

Billy and I are taking the laid-back approach to potty training. I truly believe that BB won't be wearing diapers when he's 5, so why sweat it? Plus, he has a lot going on right now, having just started preschool (where they actually LEARN stuff) and moving to our new house.

That said, he's been showing interest for several months and has been doing pretty well. We bought him a potty. We reward him with stickers. We encourage. We support. We never yell.* Even when he pees on my foot.

Since we've moved, we've even been encouraging BB to pee off the porch. Say what you will, he loves it, and my dad swears this is why my brother potty trained so early (you're welcome, Jason).

Billy is anti-Pull-Ups, but we wanted to keep our positive momentum going, so we let BB pick out 'big boy underwear' the other night. They are a hit! He wore them to school yesterday and, we're told, showed everyone the extra pair we stuffed in his pants pocket in case he had an accident. He only had one - all day! Yep, the kid went a solid 15 hours in underoos! (Technically, he kind of had an accident at home. He started, then stopped, but still required a wardrobe change, so we can call it two accidents. Still, not bad.)

Last night, he was pretty sad that he had to put on a night-time diaper. He resolved this by putting a pair of big boy underwear on over his diaper, but not before he tried them on his head.

* There's a mom at school who yells at her kids all.the.time. The worst was when her youngest son peed his pants right after they got to school. You could hear her yelling clear out the door of the building. I don't ever want to be that mom.


Wendy said...

I love little boy underwear. Is that weird to say? I just think they're really cute!

The girls weren't night-time potty trained until like a year after they were day-time potty trained. It was much harder for them at night. They wore night-time pull-ups until they were almost five.