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Happy 14-Month Birthday to Me!

BB is 14-months-old today! We sang to him, let him make a huge mess at dinner and gave him a nice little massage before bed. He's growing up so fast; I truly don't know where the time has gone. Here's what BB's up to:

* Fake coughing when we cough
* Walking like a champ
* Dancing
* Reading (he LOVES books)
* Exploring
* Pulling things out of drawers
* Stacking blocks
* Climbing into his stroller
* Giving high fives

BB likes to roam the house on his own, which we encourage. We like how independent he is, but we still keep a close eye on him. He hasn't been playing with his toys lately. If it's not a book or his popper, he isn't interested. He's started climbing into his umbrella stroller by himself and sitting there until we push him around. Luckily, the weather's been good, so we can push him outside and not just around the house! BB loves his baths and pushing buttons. He hates being told no, which we don't have to do a lot; he's a very happy, good-mannered baby. We're looking forward to spring's official arrival so we can get to the park. We found out last week that he loves slides! He also loves mac and cheese and chicken nuggets. He's not a picky eater at all, unlike his mom (so says his dad). Except for not sleeping through the night, everything is going great!