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I'm So Proud

In the past 13 months, we've had a lot of firsts with BB. And a lot of proud moments.

Sitting up, rolling, crawling and walking are the obvious ones. But the first time BB climbed up the stairs alone, and the first time he climbed a stepladder, were even more exciting to me.

The most exciting of all happened Thursday when he walked over to me, handed me a book and sat down in my lap. I almost cried.

Since Thursday, he's done the same thing every day a dozen times, and each time it swells my heart.

(Yes, I'm sappy, but if BB already enjoys books, I feel as though I'm doing an OK job at this parenting thing.)


Ky • said...

Oh!!!! I have tears in my eyes! How perfect!

I cannot WAIT for Lila to do that...

B. said...

I find it extra cute when he brings you a second book and you aren't done with the first. Also when he decides to change pages before you are done with the page you are on. I guess he is a faster reader than I am.

Ky, it is very amazing and you will love it when Lila does it for you. I am sure we will hear about it in Lila Lunes

Ky • said...

I tell you what, Baby B. is lucky to have you two. Nice.