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Happy Birthday to Me!

Yay! It's my birthday! I get to eat cupcakes!

In the past year, a lot of exciting things have happened. I learned to roll over, crawl, stand and walk along furniture. I've been to New Jersey, touched sand and went to the top of the Cape May Lighthouse. I've eaten green beans, ravioli and celery, among other things. And I've met a lot of cool people - I have awesome parents, a silly doggy and some pretty cute girlfriends.

I like when mom and dad try to make me stand - and let me fall over on the bed. I like when dad throws me in the air - even though it scares mom. And I like when mom lets me tip her over - and bite her nose.

I try really hard to sleep and eat well, but it's hard to not climb instead. Sometimes mom and dad say I'm a monkey, other times they call me a mountain goat. And just the other day mom called me a St. Bernard because I was carrying something in my mouth while I crawled across the floor. I don't know what those things are, but I'll take it as a compliment.

All in all, my first year was pretty cool (except when mom broke my leg). I bet year 2 will be even better: I'll start running (I figure I'll skip walking, that's so 2009), add to my 8 teeth and start talking since mom and dad don't understand my babbling very well. I also want to go to another baseball game and go swimming again. Will you help me talk mom and dad into it? Please?


Wendy said...

I can't believe you are ONE! You're the cutest little boy I know!

Anonymous said...

For real...where did the time go?! It feels like just last week when I came to see you all brand new and bundled in a blanket. You should know that your parents are really awesome. You have done so many things and have so many more things to try. Oh, BTW, your mom did not break your leg. I doubt it will be the last broken bone you now you are prepared and will know how to handle it. Happy Birthday bb.

Mickey D. said...

No way! He looks like a little man already!

Wow, what a year. Happy bday little guy!

Shaun said...

Happy birthday little guy!!!