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Let this be a Lesson to Me

B., Baby B. and I hit the Ann Arbor Street Art Fair Friday, taking advantage of one of our last free Fridays of the summer.

After walking for an hour or so, we took a little break under a nice shade tree where we shot these cute photos on our cell phones. Looking back, I really wish we would have had our 'real' camera with us. As my dad would say, 'let this be a lesson to you'.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!!! Too cute! On a side note....I HATE forgetting my camera, it's a bad feeling that lasts until I get my camera back in my hands. Case in point, I went to my dad's farm for Father's Day weekend and forgot the camera. I was in agony the entire weekend. Sigh. I still feel bad about it. :(

Wendy said...

Yes yes, take your camera everywhere with you! That tree picture is great!