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Parenting Products

For the past few weeks, I've been obsessed with finding the secret to getting Billy to sleep in his crib. The Internet is full of products guaranteed to do the trick - swinging beds, co-sleepers, sleep positioners, Miracle Blankets, etc., etc., etc. It seems my generation is big on gadgets, go figure.

I haven't bought into any of the gadgets just yet, except for the sleep positioner, which is making B. and I more comfortable about co-sleeping while we continue our efforts to move Billy to his crib.

People my parents' age and older are quick to tell me that they didn't have all these 'handy' products when their children were babies. It's similar to the 'I walked two miles to school - barefoot and uphill both ways' stories they like to tell. So, I wonder how they feel about Pee-pee Teepees for the Sprinkling WeeWee. I don't own one (although it would have come in handy a time or two), but I think I want to!