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Me + Sharp Objects = Ow!

You know that rumor that women tend to get clumsy during pregnancy? Well, it's not a rumor.

I'm proud (sarcasm) to report that this weekend alone I managed to cut my thumb on an eggshell (don't ask), a piece of glass and a knife. B. was around for the third cut, which happened while I was dicing potatoes. I calmly (I think) asked him for a paper towel, to which he responded, 'Did you cut yourself again?!' I asked for the paper towel again only to be met with, 'Give me that knife.' Meanwhile, I'm trying to keep stop the flow of blood (still sans paper towel) and not cry.

I also managed to break two knives and bump my growing belly on every counter top corner, table corner, wall and doorway in our house. It was quite the productive weekend.


Anonymous said...

LOL. This is hilarious. I hope your finger is okay.